990-US: Reporting gross receipts FAQ

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What happens when the Options for Form 990-N and financial data reporting field in Screen 990 has an entry?


  • If you enter 1 in this field, the application enters X on Screen ELF in the File Form 990 / 990-EZ / 990-PF return or 990-N postcard electronically field and completes only the required data for Form 990-N electronic file. There are no forms that print.
  • If you enter 2 in this field, the application prints all return information entered for income, expenses, and the balance sheet. Schedule A prints (if applicable) with the return.
  • If you enter 4 in this field, the application prints all return information entered for income, expenses, and the balance sheet. In addition, Schedule A prints (if applicable) with the return.
  • If the entity is a section 527 political organization, Schedule A is not applicable and does not print with the return. To force each page of Schedule A to print, open each page in form view and choose Edit > Overrides > Force Form To Print. This needs to be done for all four pages of Schedule A.

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