1040-US: Aggregating required minimum distributions among retirement accounts of the same type

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How does the Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) Summary aggregate distributions from multiple qualified retirement plan accounts of the same type?


The RMD’s of some types of qualified retirement plan accounts (traditional IRA, inherited Roth IRA, 403(b) plan, Roth 403(b) plan) can be aggregated with other RMD’s of the same type of qualified retirement plan accounts. The Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) Summary displays different allowed groupings based on the type of account and original owner, listing the total aggregated RMD that can be distributed from any combination of the accounts within the aggregation group on the far right.

Note: The tax application uses the Deceased owner name field on Screen 1099R-3 to distinguish multiple units of inherited qualified retirement plan accounts calculating an RMD for aggregation purposes, as such accounts can only aggregate their RMD’s if inherited from the same decedent.

Related topic: Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) Worksheet FAQs (1040)

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