1040-US: Entering HSA information when there are employer contributions reported on Screen W2, box 12, code W

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What data entry is required when there are employer contributions to an HSA reported on Screen W2, box 12, code W?


When there are employer contributions reported on a W-2 in box 12, code W, additional data entry is required on Screen 5498SA to report these contributions on Form 8889. The Total HSA/MSA contributions made for 2018 must be entered in Screen 5498SA. If the only contributions are employer contributions, this amount will be the same as the amount in the W-2, box 12. In Screen 5498SA box 6, mark the HSA (Form 8889) box. Enter the type of coverage (family or self-only) in the Indicate type of coverage under qualifying high deductible health plan field and enter a figure in the Number of months in qualified high deductible health plan field. To take advantage of the increased limit on contributions for individuals who were covered for less than a full year, but had coverage for the month of December, enter 1 for HDHP in effect for December 2018. If employer contributions need to be allocated over more than one HSA account or include contributions for a different tax year, use the Employer contributions (Force) field.

Related topic: Medical and health savings accounts FAQs (1040)

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