1040-US: Preparing Power of Attorney or Tax Information Authorization forms

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To prepare Form 2848 or Form 8821, complete these steps.

General Information

  1. From within a return, open Screen POA located in the Separate Filings folder.
  2. Enter T,S, or J to designate for whom the Power of Attorney or Tax Information Authorization is being completed. If this field is left blank, UltraTax CS defaults to the taxpayer.
  3. If the taxpayer or spouse has an employer identification number (EIN) to be included on the form, enter the number in the EIN field.
  4. Select 1 = Form 28482 = Form 8821, or 3 = Both in the Power of Attorney / Tax Information Authorization field.

    Important! If this field is left blank, no form will be generated.

  5. Complete any remaining necessary fields in the General Information section.
  6. Enter information in the Forms 2848 and 8821 – Acts Authorized or Deleted and Executor or Personal Representative for Deceased Individual sections as needed.

Representative / Appointee Information

  1. In the Representative or appointee information statement, enter or select the appropriate representative in the Name column. Preparers who have representative information entered under Setup > Office Configuration > Preparers will be available in the fieldview.
  2. The remaining columns are completed with the information entered within the preparers setup.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 on a new row in the statement for each representative. You can enter more than 4 representatives in the statement, but only the first four representatives display on Form 2848 and Form 8821.

Note: The IRS does not allow Form 2848 or Form 8821 to be filed electronically with individual tax returns.

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