Processing dual-status returns (1040)

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Fixed Assets and UltraTax CS 2023 help is now on Help and Support. We're still moving articles, but you can find most content for the 2023 tax year there. Continue using the Help & How-To Center for tax years 2022 and older.

  1. Make the appropriate selection in the 1040 dropdown in File > Client Properties.
    • If the client was a U.S. resident at the end of the year, select Individual (1040). UltraTax will complete Form 1040 and a statement form 1040NR.
    • If the client was a U.S. nonresident at the end of the year, select Nonresident Alien. UltraTax will complete Form 1040NR and a statement form 1040.
  2. In the Nonresident Alien folder, choose Screen DualStat and mark the Dual-status tax year field.
  3. Use the fields on Screen DualStat to enter income, adjustments, deductions, and withholdings for the statement period. You can enter statement period information in one of two ways.
    • Enter a percent in the Statement period percentage field to apply one percent to all return income, adjustments, deductions, and withholdings. Entering data in this field makes the remaining fields in Screen DualStat unavailable for data entry.
    • Enter Statement Period Income, adjustments, deductions, and withholdings in either the Amount or Percentage (xxx.xx) fields.

    Note: Information entered in Percentage fields will be applied to the applicable income, adjustments, deductions, and withholdings reported on the return.

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