Consent to Disclose tab (1040)

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Use this dialog to enter information to prepare the Consent to Disclose Tax Return Information to be used for all 1040 tax returns. When using this option, you do not have to access every client to enter consent information. To print a Consent to Disclose with Client Organizer, choose Setup > 1040 Individual, click the Organizer tab, click the Consent button, and click the Consent to Disclose tab. Use the Document Editing window to create and modify all client documents including consent letters, transmittal letters, filing instructions, custom paragraphs, and invoices. For more information, see Customizing client documents.

To view this tab, choose Setup > 1040 Individual, click the Federal tab, click the Other Return Options button, and then click the Consent to Disclose tab.


  • If consent to disclose information has also been entered in Screen Consent in the General folder for a client, Screen Consent data entry for consent to disclose will supersede this dialog. Items listed in the Recipient(s) of tax return information fields in this dialog will appear after items listed on Screen Consent, if applicable.
  • Use Screen Consent in the General folder to print a Consent to Disclose for purposes of providing Electronic Refund Disbursement Services.

IRC Section 7216 requires preparers to receive consent from their clients to disclose or use their tax information for purposes other than preparing their tax return, and in certain limited situations, for purposes involving tax return preparation. This includes using "third party" return data entry services; offering Electronic Refund Disbursement Services from Refund Advantage or EPS Financial; or products or services such as mortgage loans, mutual funds, individual retirement accounts, and life insurance.

Thomson Reuters cannot provide tax preparers with legal advice on these provisions. We strongly recommend that you seek counsel from your own legal advisor as to the specific consequences to, and requirements for, tax preparers regarding IRC Section 7216 and the regulations. This would include seeking counsel prior to using any data mining searches for anything other than the preparation of tax returns, to ensure you are in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Fields & buttons

Consent to Disclose group box

Enter information in this section to prepare the Consent to Disclose Tax Information.

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether or not the disclosure of tax information is in a tax preparation or auxiliary service context. The choice in this field will produce the appropriate language required on the consent document. An entry in this field is required to print a Consent to Disclose.

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the recipient or recipients are located outside of the United States. If there is more than one recipient, choose yes if any of the recipients are located outside of the United States. The choice in this field will produce the appropriate language required on the consent document. An entry in this field is required to print a Consent to Disclose.

Indicate up to four specified recipients of the taxpayer's tax information. An option to affirmatively select each recipient will be printed on the consent form.

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