Engagement letter FAQ (1065)

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The following includes an answer to a common question about the engagement letter.


How do I prepare an engagement letter for a client?


The Engagement Letter can be printed/distributed three ways.

  • You can print the engagement letter with a client's tax return. To do so, choose Setup > 1065 Partnership, click the Other Return Options button, click the Client Documents tab, and mark the Print engagement letter with return checkbox. The engagement letter prints with the government collation by default.
  • You can use the Business Organizer to prepare engagement letters for clients. The Business Organizer includes the Engagement Letter by default. Use the Business Organizer collation settings to change the print condition for the Engagement Letter. For information about how to prepare a Business Organizer for a client, see UltraTax CS Business Organizer overview.
  • You can use Data Mining to prepare engagement letters for multiple clients at the same time. To access Data Mining, choose Utilities > Data Mining. For more information about how to prepare letters for multiple clients using Data Mining, see Overview of Data Mining.

Note: If Data Mining is not currently available in the Utilities menu, you can prepare an engagement letter using Data Mining in the prior-year UltraTax CS.

Related topic: 1065 Frequently asked questions

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