1065-US: Filing Schedule M-3 (FAQ)

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When is Schedule M-3 required to be filed?


Schedule M-3 is required if any of the following apply.

  • The amount of total assets at the end of the tax year reported on Schedule L is greater than or equal to $10 million.
  • The amount of adjusted total assets for the tax year is greater than or equal to $10 million.
  • The amount of total receipts (Form 1065, Page 1; Form 4797; Schedule F; etc.) for the tax year is greater than or equal to $35 million.
  • A reportable entity partner owns or is deemed to own an interest of 50 percent or more of the partnership's capital, profit, or loss on any day during the tax year.


  • Partnerships filing Schedule M-3 with ending total assets of $50 million or more should not complete Schedule M-1.
  • If the Suppress Schedule M-3 field on Screen M3 is blank, UltraTax CS completes Schedule M-3 as a voluntary filer if any data is entered in Screens M3, M3-2, or M3-3.

Related topic: Schedule M-3 FAQs (1065)

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