States that accept eSignatures

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UltraTax CS eSignature allows your clients to electronically sign documents and authorization forms using a mobile device or computer. At this time, the IRS only allows eSignatures for authorization forms for 1040 Indivdual returns. You can, however, use eSignatures for Bank Account Verification worksheets, engagement letters, and consent documents for 114a, 1120, 1065, 1041, 706, 709, 8878, and 990 returns in addition to 1040.

Not all states have adopted the IRS eSignature guidelines. New York and West Virginia require an e-file authorization form similar to the federal Form 8879, but they don't allow eSignature. All other states either allow eSignature on their e-file authorization form or do not require a separate e-file authorization form.

You can typically eSign Bank Account Authorization forms and other applicable documents for states (in any entity) that allow electronic filing. Review the eSign screen in the Electronic filing folder for the state return to review the forms that are available for eSignature. If a state return does not have an eSign screen, eSignatures are not available for that return.

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