1120 Illinois frequently asked questions

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Frequently asked questions


Calculating apportionment

Calculating apportionment on Schedule UB, Step 4

Entering 1120 apportionment data for consolidated or combined states

Combined returns

Determining the designated agent for a combined return

Estimated payments for a combined unitary return

Extending a combined unitary return

Preparing a unitary return

Electronic filing

State Electronic Filing Guide

Electronic filing information

Electronic funds withdrawal

Electronically filing consolidated or combined returns

Estimate electronic filing

Forms supported for electronic filing

Forms and schedules not supported for electronic filing

No acknowledgement received

Officer Social Security number

Receiving an alert in a state acknowledgement


Preparing extensions

Forms approval

Viewing forms approval status

General information

Entering state or country of incorporation

Form 1120-IC-DISC

Luxury auto treatment on Form IL-4562

Luxury auto treatment on Form IL-4562

Net loss deduction

Current net loss carryforward rules

Order of Net Operating Loss expiration

S Corporations

Indicating a shareholder is a nonresident

Making prepayments for S Corporations

Printing Schedules B and K-1-P

Unitary returns

Data sharing a unitary member’s information

Determining a designated agent for a unitary return

Extending a unitary return

Filing a unitary return with pass-through members

Making estimated payments for a unitary return

Preparing a unitary return consisting of only pass-through members

Preparing a unitary return with C corporation and pass-through members

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