1040-NC: Filing an electronic extension

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The North Carolina Board of Revenue supports filing an application for extension via electronic filing.

Generating an Extension Payment

Use Screen NCExt to generate an extension application. The application may be filed with or without an amount paid.

Conditions to Generate Electronic Record and Filing Instructions

To generate the electronic record for extension application and the related filing instructions, all of the following conditions must be met before generating the extension payment via File > Print Extensions.

Federal Screen ELF:

  • File the return electronically field is marked
  • Suppress the creation of State electronic file(s) field is blank
  • Suppress the creation of Both federal and state electronic files field is blank

Federal Screen 1040:

  • Enter Daytime telephone

Screen NCELF:

  • Suppress North Carolina e-file field is blank

Screen NCBank:

  • Enable electronic funds withdrawal for extension payment field is marked

In addition to the conditions above, bank information is required in order to create the electronic record for electronic funds withdrawal of the extension payment. The fields below are required data entry:

Screen NCBank:

Primary account:

  • Routing transit number
  • Name of financial institution
  • Depositor account number
  • Type of account

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