Forwarding client invoice information to Practice CS

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You can export invoice amounts from UltraTax CS so you don't have to re-enter the billing information that appears on an UltraTax CS invoice into Practice CS. UltraTax CS will export a client's invoice amount when a certain status event is logged for that client. Follow these steps to specify which status event you will log to have UltraTax CS forward the invoice amount to Practice CS.

Note: These steps assume that you have already defined status events in UltraTax CS and that you have opened Practice CS, chosen Setup > Firm, clicked the Preferences tab, marked the Integrate this Firm with other solutions checkbox, and then clicked Enter.

  1. In UltraTax CS, choose Setup > Office Configuration.

    Note: Depending on your security configuration, you might be required to enter the master password and click OK before you can proceed.

  2. Click the Status tab in the Office Configuration dialog.
  3. In the Event list, highlight the desired event.
  4. Click the Edit button.
  5. Mark the With the log of this event, forward invoice to CS Practice Products checkbox.

    Note: This checkbox is available only if you are licensed for Practice CS and have it installed. If Practice CS is installed and this option is unavailable, choose Setup > User Preferences > File Locations and specify the location of Practice CS.

  6. Click OK to close the System Configuration dialog. When you log the selected event for a client, that client's invoice amount will be forwarded to Practice CS.

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