ELF: Electronic Filing Status dialog (green E) button is disabled and unavailable

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The green "E" button on the UltraTax CS toolbar, which opens the Electronic Filing Status window, is grayed out. The Electronic Filing Status option is also grayed out in the Utilities menu. Why?

The Electronic Filing Status dialog is deactivated when e-filing through a third-party transmitter. If you intend to use Thomson Reuters as your e-file transmitter, the option may have been inadvertently cleared. To verify, access the Setup > User Preferences > Misc tab, and mark the Use Thomson Reuters as the ELF transmitter last option in the top section. Because User Preferences can vary from workstation to workstation, further verify that this option is marked on all other workstations. Note that this option is available only if your firm has purchased a third-party transmitter license. If you would like to purchase this license, contact your CS Account Representative at 800.968.8900.

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