Filing Form 3115 (FAQ)

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How does the application handle filing form 3115 Application for Change in Accounting Method? Is it included in the electronic file?


Per Form 3115 instructions:

  • Attach the original Form 3115 to the filer's timely filed
    (including extensions) federal income tax return for the year of
    change. The original Form 3115 attachment does not need to be
  • File a copy of the signed Form 3115 to the address provided
    in the address chart on this page, no earlier than the first day of
    the year of change and no later than the date the original is filed
    with the federal income tax return for the year of change.

When filing a return electronically, Form 3115 will be included in the electronic file. An additional Form 3115 will print with the actionable items and include filing instructions with the proper mailing address. When filing a return on paper. Two copies of Form 3115 will print. One will be included as part of the tax return, the other will print with filing instructions with the proper mailing address. 

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