UltraTax CS: An error occurred attempting to download a product

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Fixed Assets and UltraTax CS 2023 help is now on Help and Support. We're still moving articles, but you can find most content for the 2023 tax year there. Continue using the Help & How-To Center for tax years 2022 and older.

If you do not have a state installed, you can add the state to the client in File > Client Properties. UltraTax CS will download and install the state product after it is selected in Client Properties. If you receive an error that says "An error occurred attempting to download product" followed by the product name, try the following steps to resolve this error.  

  1. Choose Help > Repair and click on the Misc tab.
  2. Click the Clear Updates Directory button to delete the updates that downloaded.
  3. Click Done to close out of the Repair dialog.
  4. Open the CS Connect window by choosing Utilities > CS Connect.
  5. Select Retrieve and apply updates 
  6. Go to the Initial State Releases tab near the top left-hand of the dialog.
  7. Mark the state products you want to install.
  8. Click the Connect button to initiate the installation.

The product may partially download and install. In the event this happens you will need to follow these steps to uninstall the product.

  1. From within UltraTax CS, choose Help > Repair and click the Misc tab.
  2. Click the Clear Updates Directory button and then click Done.
  3. Close UltraTax CS.

    Note: If you use a network installation, verify that all users close UltraTax CS. To see a list of network users with the application open, open UltraTax CS, choose Help > Repair, click the File Locks tab and click the User locks option at the top of the dialog. After you verify that all users have closed the application, close UltraTax CS.

  4. Browse to X:\Wincsi\UTYY, where X represents the drive where UltraTax is installed, and YY represents the year of the application.
  5. Find and delete the folders for the federal or state application(s) causing the update error.

    The naming convention for all applications is EEEEPP.*, where EEEE represents the entity, P represents the application initials, and * is a series of characters that represents the application version. For example, 1040US.ext,18,3,8,#0000000n70e9f is an UltraTax 2018/1040 folder and 1065MI.ext,18,3,4,#0000000n6peq2 is an UltraTax 2018/1065-MI (Michigan) folder.

    Note: If there are folders from a different year of UltraTax CS within this UTYY folder, remove them as they can cause additional issues. For example, a UT18 folder should not contain 1040US.ext,17,3,8,#0000000n70e9f as that folder belongs to UltraTax 2017.

  6. Find and delete the .pfw_imanifest file for the product you are trying to install. For example, 1065MI.pfw_imanifest is for UltraTax/1065-MI (Michigan). 
  7. Open UltraTax CS and download and apply your updates, and if necessary, add a state or city return to a client.
  8. This process may require you to close and re-open UltraTax CS one more time for the updates to apply.

There have been instances of this error occurring due to anti-virus software, firewall settings, and/or permissions. Use the following topics to review what configurations work best with UltraTax CS.

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