Forcing a form to print

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By default, UltraTax CS prints all forms that either contain data or are required. Follow these steps to force a form to print with the open client's return regardless of whether the form contains data or is required.

To force a particular form to print with all returns of a given entity type, customize the return print collation.

Note: Forms forced to print will be included in the electronic file for federal and/or state returns only if the form can be electronically filed for the federal and/or state return.

Complete these steps for each page of a form that you want to force to print.

  1. Open the client for whom you want to force a form to print.
  2. Press CTRL+F to switch to form view.
  3. In the folders block, click the desired form.
  4. Choose Edit > Overrides, and then select Force form to print.

    The folder icon next to the forced form will have red lines on it, indicating that the form will print with this client's return regardless of whether it contains data or is required.


  • The Force form to print command is a toggle. If you decide that you do not want to force the form to print, simply repeat these steps.
  • For multiple page forms, you must force each page. To do so, choose Edit > Overrides and select Force form to print.

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Printing tax returns

K95305535, 95305535, K54033632, 54033632

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