Indicating an estimated value

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Marking a field as an estimated value will cause UltraTax CS to open a dialog where custom text can be entered related to the marked field. The text, along with the estimated amount, is also displayed in the Diagnostics window in a separate Estimated Value tab; clicking on the diagnostic will move focus back to the input screen field that contains the estimated value for review of the data. If a return contains any estimated values that are not acknowledged, UltraTax CS also displays a critical diagnostic message to indicate that the return is being calculated with estimates. Once all estimates are acknowledged or removed, that critical diagnostic is resolved.

Note: Estimated values are also displayed in the Diagnostic Report and are available as an option for missing data emails, which you can create by choosing File > Email re: Missing Data.

Adding an estimated value indicator

To mark a field as an estimated value, complete the following steps.

  1. On the input screen containing the value you want to mark as estimated, either right-click on the field and choose Estimated Value from the context menu, or choose Edit > Estimated Value from the UltraTax CS menu while your cursor is in that field. Doing so will open the Estimated Value dialog.
  2. Use the text box in the Estimated Value dialog to add or edit the note that you want to attach to the field containing the estimated value. 
  3. Click OK to close the Estimated Value dialog. 
Note: New in 2018 UltraTax CS, to continuously enter estimates, choose Edit > Estimated Value > Continuous Mode.

Acknowledging or deleting an estimated value indicator

You can acknowledge or delete the estimated value indicator on a field by completing the following steps. 

  1. Click the Estimated Value button Estimated Value button on the field containing the estimated value to open the Estimated Value dialog. 
  2. In the Estimated Value dialog, do one of the following.
    • Click the Acknowledge button to record the date, and time of the acknowledgement and your user ID in the dialog and turn the Estimated Value button gray. Acknowledged estimates are moved to the Acknowledged list in the Diagnostics window.
    • Click the Delete Estimate button to remove the Estimated Value button from the field. The data in that field is preserved and treated like any other amount rather than as an estimate for diagnostic purposes.
  3. Click OK to close the Estimated Value dialog.

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