Cannot Print to FileCabinet CS, only GoFileRoom or Onvio Documents

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If you need to print to FileCabinet CS but only have the Onvio Drive / GoFileRoom option available, there may be a conflict with your Document Management licenses. If license files exist for FileCabinet CS, GoFileRoom and/or Onvio, you cannot utilize these options simultaneously. The order of precedence is as follows:

  1. GoFileRoom
  2. Onvio
  3. FileCabinet CS

Onvio licenses

If you have the Onvio licenses, you can select which document management application to use in each application. 

  • For Fixed Assets CS, choose Setup > System Configuration > Onvio tab. In the Document management field, select the appropriate document management application. 
  • For UltraTax CS, choose Setup > Office Configuration > Onvio tab. In the  Document management field, select the appropriate document management application. 

GoFileRoom and FileCabinet CS licenses

If only the GoFileRoom and FileCabinet CS licenses are present, you must remove the GoFileRoom license in order to print to FileCabinet CS or view the FileCabinet CS tab under the Setup menus.

If you use Virtual Office or Software as a Service, please contact Support for assistance with these licenses.

License file locations

The Onvio and GoFileRoom file locations and names are listed below. These files can be moved to a separate folder while testing or deleted altogether if not needed.

Note: Each license file name below has a 3-character extension that varies.

The below file is located in the X:\WinCSI\LICENSES (X represents the drive on which the application is installed) folder.

  • Onvio license file: ONACSNAME

The below files will be located in the X:\WinCSI\LICENSES (X represents the drive on which the application is installed) folder.

  • Onvio license file: DDXNAME
  • GoFileRoom license file: DGFNAME

    Support: The IYGFNAME file(s) may also need to be deleted.

The below file is located in the X:\WinCSI\LICENSES (X represents the drive on which the application is installed) folder.

  • Onvio license file: ONPRCSNAME

The below files will be located in the X:\WinCSI\LICENSES or X:\WinCSI\LICENSES\UTYY (X represents the drive on which UltraTax is installed and YY corresponds to the version of UltraTax CS) folder.

  • Onvio license file: IYDXNAME (Y will correspond to the year of the UltraTax CS).
  • GoFileRoom license file: IYGFNAME (Y will correspond to the year of the UltraTax CS).

Note: More than one Onvio or GFR license file may exist for more than one year of UltraTax CS. To locate each applicable license file, utilize the search bar within the WinCSI\LICENSES folder to search for **DXNAME.* and **GFNAME.* to locate all Onvio and GoFileRoom license files.

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Internal only

Virtual Office CS or SaaS firms

The licenses listed above can be renamed by a Web Services Resolver or Representative so firms on VO/SaaS can continue to use FileCabinet or Onvio for printing. If you need to visit the Resolver, provide them with the Licenses that need to renamed per the above information.

If the firm does not plan on using those licenses for a long period of time, enter a generic Web Service Admin ticket so the licenses do not regenerate automatically. The firm will need to contact Support again when they want to be removed from that list, submit another generic Web Service Admin ticket to remove them.

License file extensions: Each license file will have a 3-character extension. The most common extension is .DAT, but there are other possibilites such as .VAT and number/letter combinations. Firms may also have several copies of these licenses present with differing extensions.