Keyboard shortcuts

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Keyboard shortcuts are special keys (such as F1 and ESC) that you use either alone or in combination with SHIFT, CTRL, or CTRL+SHIFT. These keyboard shortcuts enable you to access various types of help and execute certain menu commands.

The following table lists the keyboard shortcuts in Accounting CS.

Shortcut keys Accessing help
CTRL+Y Open our Help & How-To Center
F1 or CTRL+F1 View help for current screen or dialog
CTRL+P Print the help topic currently open in your browser
Shortcut keys Navigating and special functions
ALT+F1 Toggle to hide or unhide the Navigation frame
CTRL+G Open the Actions > View Account Activity dialog
CTRL+I Calculate the net income or loss and display the results in the View Net Income/Loss dialog
Within a field, move one character to the left
Within a grid, move one cell to the left
Within a field, move one character to the right
Within a grid, move one cell to the right
Within a date field, increment the date by one day
Within a grid, move up one row
Within a date field, decrement the date by one day
Within a grid, move down one row
CTRL+← Move to beginning of field
CTRL+→ Move to end of field
CTRL++ Within a date field, increment the date by one day
CTRL+– Within a date field, decrement the date by one day
PAGE UP Within a grid, move to the first row
Within a setup screen or the Enter Transactions screen, save the current record, remain in Edit mode, and move up one record
PAGE DOWN Within a grid, move to the last row
Within a setup screen or the Enter Transactions screen, save the current record, remain in Edit mode, and move down one record (or, if in Add mode, open a new record)
TAB Move to the next field in the screen
SHIFT+TAB Move to the previous field in the screen
CTRL+TAB Move to the next tab within a tabbed view
CTRL+SHIFT+TAB Move to the previous tab within a tabbed view
F2 When navigating and editing content in a grid, toggle between Navigation mode (to move between fields in the grid) and Cell Edit mode (to place the cursor at the end of the text within a cell)
F4 Open a calendar in a date field, open a calculator in an amount field, or open a drop-down list in a selected field
ALT+N Save changes for the current item in the active screen.
ALT+F4 Exit the application
Shortcut keys Analyze Client Activity views
(Only accessible from client-specific screens.)
CTRL+T Open the Trial Balance view
CTRL+L Open the General Ledger view
CTRL+K Open the Financial Statement Worksheet view
CTRL+E Open the Employee Earnings view
CTRL+H Open the Payroll Schedules view
CTRL+A Open the Payroll Tax Form Diagnostic view
(Only accessible from the Edit Payroll Tax Forms screen)
Shortcut keys Editing
CTRL+V Paste
DEL Delete selected item
CTRL+Z Undo last change
Shortcut keys In the Report Designer or Layout Designer
CTRL+O Open a report or layout
CTRL+S Save a report or layout
CTRL+A Select all objects in a report or layout
CTRL+P Open the File > Print > Options dialog
CTRL+1 Open the Format > Cells dialog (Report Designer)
CTRL+L Rotate selected object left (Layout Designer)
CTRL+R Rotate selected object right (Layout Designer)
CTRL+SHIFT+G Group selected objects (Layout Designer)
CTRL+SHIFT+U Ungroup selected objects (Layout Designer)
CTRL+SHIFT+F Bring selected object to front (Layout Designer)
CTRL+SHIFT+B Send selected object to back (Layout Designer)
Move one cell to left (Report Designer); move selected object to left (Layout Designer)
Move one cell to right (Report Designer); move selected object to right (Layout Designer)
Move up a row (Report Designer); move selected object up (Layout Designer)
Move down a row (Report Designer); move selected object down (Layout Designer)
HOME Move cursor focus to the top-left cell of the selected region (Report Designer)

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