Enter Transactions data-entry modes

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In Accounting CS, you can customize the Actions > Enter Transactions screen to fit your data-entry preferences. One option you can choose is the data-entry method (or mode) to use when entering transactions. There are two modes available — Journal mode and Bank Account mode.

  • The first time you open the Enter Transactions screen for a client, the application uses the data-entry method selected in the Transaction Entry section of the Setup > Firm Information > Firm > Preferences tab. If you select a different method in the Edit Transactions Options dialog, that selection then becomes the default method for the client for subsequent data-entry sessions.
  • All transaction types except Check Summary Memos and Deposit Summary Memos are available in both modes; those are available in Journal mode only.

Journal mode

When you enter transactions in Journal mode, it is similar to working in a general ledger. The Transactions list at the top of the screen includes columns for the transaction date, reference, ID, description, accounts, and amount.

The application displays transactions for the journal and posting period selected in the upper-right corner of the screen. By default, it uses the journal selected in the Settings section of the Edit > Enter Transactions Options > Settings tab and the current posting period. However, you can select a different journal and/or posting period, or you can click the Delete delete button button in the Journal and/or Posting Period field to display transactions for all journals and/or posting periods. Show me.

journal mode

Bank Account mode

When you enter transactions in Bank Account mode, it is similar to working in a checkbook register. The Transactions list at the top of the screen includes columns for the transaction date, reference, ID, description, payment amount, deposit amount, and running balance.

Note: To display the running balance in the Balance column, you must sort the Transactions list by date, clear any search or filter criteria, and have security permissions to view all transaction types.

The application displays transactions for the bank account selected in the upper-right corner of the screen, regardless of the posting period. By default, it uses the bank account selected in the Settings section of the Edit > Enter Transactions Options > Settings tab. However, you can select a different bank account, or you can click the Delete delete button button in the Bank Account field to display transactions for all of the client's bank accounts. Show me.

journal mode

Selecting the data-entry mode

Use either of the following methods to choose the data-entry mode in the Actions > Enter Transactions screen.

  • Choose Edit > Options. On the Settings tab, select the appropriate method from the Data entry method field.
  • To quickly select a mode, click the Journal mode button or the Bank Account mode button on the toolbar. Show me.

    Journal mode icon

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