Setting up mailing vs. taxing addresses

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Business, Home, or Other address types

In Accounting CS you can specify up to three different addresses (Business, Home, or Other) when setting up Employees and Vendors. In the Main tab of either the Setup > Employees screen or the Setup > Vendors screen, click the Selection button in the Addresses section and then select the applicable address option.

 Selection button options

Mailing address vs. Resident address

The Resident address (for employees) is the address that Accounting CS will use to determine which taxes an employee is subject to. (This is often referred to as the taxing address.)

The Mailing address is the address to which Accounting CS will mail the employee or vendor copies of payroll tax forms. The application uses the Mailing address as the employee's or vendor's address on Form W-2 and 1099.

Employee example

An employee's taxes are based on one address, but their W-2 must be mailed to a different address.

Note: You would follow these same steps for updating an Independent contractor's mailing address.

  1. Choose Setup > Employees, and click the Main tab.
  2. Specify the W-2 mailing address by selecting Other as the address type, entering the address, and marking the Mailing address checkbox.


  3. Use the Address verification feature to validate the address.
  4. If this address is the one that should be used for taxing purposes, select Home as the address type and mark the Resident address checkbox.


  5. Use the Address verification feature to validate the address.
  6. Click Enter to save your changes.

Vendor example

  1. Choose Setup > Vendors, and click the Main tab.
  2. Specify the 1099 mailing address by selecting Other as the address type, entering the address, and marking the Mailing address checkbox.


  3. Click Enter to save your changes.

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