Firm > Payroll Tracking tab

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For live payroll processing only

Use the Payroll Tracking tab to specify which columns to display, and the order in which to display them, in the Payroll Tracking grid of the Payroll Tracking portlet in the Firm Dashboard or the Staff Dashboard.

Choose Setup > Firm Information > Firm and then click the Payroll Tracking tab.

Fields & buttons

Display columns in this order

Mark the checkboxes for the columns that you want to display in the Payroll Tracking grid within the Payroll Tracking portlet of the Firm Dashboard or the Staff Dashboard. Required columns are marked by default and cannot be modified. Some other columns are marked by default, but can be unmarked if necessary.

To change the order of the items in the grid, highlight an item and use the up and down arrows to move that item. Click the Reset button to reset the columns to the default setup.

  • Check Date. (Required) This date is retrieved from the Check Date field of the pay schedule selected in the Payroll Information tab of the Setup > Clients screen.
  • Client ID. (Marked by default) You must select either the Client ID column or the Client Name column.
  • Client Name. You must select either the Client ID column or the Client Name column.
  • Processor ID. The assigned processor ID defaults to the primary processor ID, retrieved from the Primary processor field on the Main tab of the Setup > Clients screen. You can modify the selection in the grid within the Payroll Tracking portlet. To quickly reassign the payroll, you can right-click the row to reassign the payroll to the primary processor or to the backup processor.
  • Processor Name. (Marked by default) The assigned processor defaults to the primary processor, retrieved from the Primary processor field on the Main tab of the Setup > Clients screen, but you can modify the selection here in this column. To quickly reassign the payroll, you can right-click the row and reassign the payroll to either the primary processor or the backup processor.
  • Primary Processor ID. This column displays the ID for the primary processor assigned to this client.
  • Primary Processor Name. This column displays the primary processor based on the entry in the Primary processor field on the Main tab of the Setup > Clients screen. 
  • Backup Processor ID. This column displays the ID for the backup processor assigned to this client.
  • Backup Processor Name. This column displays the backup processor based on the entry in the Backup processor field on the Main tab of the Setup > Clients screen.
  • Payroll Schedule Description. Displays the name of the payroll schedule.
  • Time Entry Method. (Marked by default) The time entry method is retrieved from the Payroll Information tab of the Setup > Clients screen.
  • Pay Frequency. Displays the pay frequency of the payroll schedule.
  • Time In Date. This is the date that the payroll is due to be processed. By default, the payrolls in the grid are sorted by this date.
  • Checks Out Date. This column displays the date that checks are due to be printed. 
  • Date Completed. (Marked by default) This column displays the date and time that the payroll checks were printed.
  • 24 Hour Payroll. The application will flag a payroll run as 24 Hour Payroll if the payroll checks are printed after 4pm local time two business days before the check date.
  • Status. (Required) This column displays the status of the payroll. Possible statuses are Not processed, Uploaded, Pending Download, Canceled, Downloaded, Suspended, Unprinted, Partially Printed (some checks linked to a schedule have been printed, and some have not), and Printed.
  • Notes. (Marked by default) Use this text box to make notes about this payroll run.
  • Changes Initiated By. This column enables you to track if the client or the processor made changes after the payroll was entered.
  • Do Not Pay. (Marked by default) This checkbox, which you can mark or clear in the grid of the Payroll Tracking portlet, enables you to mark a payroll run as completed and advance the pay dates to the next payroll date. When you mark the checkbox, a dialog asks you to verify that you want to advance the payroll and advance to the next check date.
  • Do Not Pay Reason. This column contains the reason entered for marking this payroll as Do Not Pay. You can modify the reason in the Payroll Tracking portlet. This column requires an entry only if the Require DNP reason selection when the DNP checkbox is marked checkbox is marked in the Payroll Tracking tab of the Firm screen.
  • Output Method. (Marked by default) Displays the output method that is selected for the client in the Payroll Information tab of the Setup > Clients screen.
  • Payroll Check Layout. This column displays the payroll check layout(s) that are selected for active bank accounts for this client in the Layouts tab of the Setup > Bank Accounts screen.
  • Vendor Check Layout. This column displays the vendor check layout(s) that are selected for active bank accounts for this client in the Layouts tab of the Setup > Bank Accounts screen. 
  • Payroll Journal Entry. (Marked by default) Displays the status of the payroll journal entry. If the file has not yet been created, the column displays the value selected in the Export to program field in the Integration tab of the Setup > Clients screen. This could be CS Professional Suite AccountingGeneral, None, QuickBooks, or QuickBooks Online. If the file does exist, the column displays the status of either Completed or Partially completed.
  • Number of Payroll Checks. Displays the total number of payroll checks processed for the pay period.
  • Number of Paper Payroll Checks Printed. Displays the number of checks sent to the printer for the pay period.
  • Number of Remote Payroll Checks Printed. Displays the number of payroll checks printed to Remote Payroll Check Printing for the pay period.
  • Number of Vendor Checks Printed. Displays the number of vendor checks printed that are associated with the payroll run.
  • <Client Custom Fields>. Displays the values for custom fields that are retrieved from the Custom Fields tab of the Setup > Clients screen.

Require DNP reason selection when the DNP checkbox is marked (checkbox). When this checkbox is marked, the Do Not Pay Reason field becomes mandatory for payrolls that have the Do Not Pay checkbox marked in the Payroll Tracking grid of the Payroll Tracking portlet.

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