Adding state/local specific information to Form W-2 box 14

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Use the following information to display state and local amounts on Form W-2 in Box 14.

Reporting SUI in Box 14

The states of Alaska, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania require that employee state unemployment insurance (SUI) contributions go the state unemployment fund.

  • For New Jersey, this information is automatically included in the W-2 form.
  • For Alaska and Pennsylvania, you’ll need to report the employee SUI contributions manually in Box 14 of the W-2 form.

To have the application automatically enter the employee's mandatory contributions in Box 14 of Form W-2, follow these steps.

  1. Choose Setup > Clients, click the Payroll Taxes tab, and then click the Edit button.
  2. In the Taxes section, scroll to the specific state grid, and enter a description in the Box 14 column for the applicable state SUI item. Pennsylvania example

  3. Click Enter to save the client record.

The application will now print each employee's year-to-date SUI amount in Box 14 of their Form W-2 using the description you entered for this client.

Displaying Pennsylvania LST amounts in Box 14

By default, the application does not include Pennsylvania LST tax in the local section on Form W-2. Use the following steps to include these amounts on the form.

  1. Choose Setup > Clients and click the Payroll Taxes tab.
  2. In the Taxes section, locate a line item for a local LST tax.
  3. Enter a description into the Box 14 column.

This description will flow to the W-2 form and display the amounts appropriately.

Displaying New York FLI amounts in Box 14

By default, the application does not include New York FLI amounts on Form W-2. Use the following steps to include these amounts on the form.

  1. Choose Setup > Clients and click the Payroll Taxes tab.
  2. In the Taxes section, locate a line item for the New York FLI tax.
  3. Enter a description into the Box 14 column.

This description will flow to the W-2 form and display the amounts appropriately.

To add New York SDI to Box 14, locate a line item for the New York SDI in Step 2.

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