Customizing the Navigation pane and Reports lists

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Accounting CS enables you to customize the Navigation pane in the main application window and the Reports lists in the Print Reports screen and in the Report Designer. Customizing these lists and frames can make your use of the application more efficient in your workflows.

The options available for customizing these frames and lists may include the ability to show more buttons, show fewer buttons, open the Navigation Pane Options dialog, and toggle the buttons as hidden or visible.

You can choose View > Navigation Pane or press Alt+F1 to hide or show the Navigation Pane.

Customizing the Navigation pane

The Navigation pane contains shortcuts to many of the frequently used screens and dialogs in Accounting CS, grouped by function — Firm, Accounting, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and Payroll.

Organizing icons in the Navigation pane

Click and drag the shortcuts in the Navigation pane to move them to the desired location.

Show me.

Navigation pane - move shortcuts

Selecting group buttons

Choose either of the following methods to show or hide the group buttons and associated icons on the Navigation pane.

Click the arrow Navigation pane arrow at the bottom-right corner of the Navigation pane and choose Navigation Pane Options. In the Navigation Pane Options dialog, mark the checkbox for the group buttons to display.

Show me.

Click the arrow Navigation pane arrow, choose Add or Remove Buttons, and choose the applicable group buttons to toggle them.

Displaying full group buttons

By default, Accounting CS displays the full button with a label for each group. To save space, you can display the icon without the label.

Click the arrow at the bottom-right corner of the Navigation pane and choose Show fewer buttons for each button you want to hide.

To restore the full buttons, click the arrow and choose Show more buttons.

Show me.

Show more or fewer buttons

Customizing the Reports list in the Print Reports screen

The Reports list in the File > Print Reports screen includes group buttons for all reports, financial statements, letters, and report profiles.

To choose which group buttons to display, right-click Navigation pane arrow any of the group buttons at the bottom of the Reports list and choose Navigation Pane Options. In the Navigation Pane Options dialog, mark the checkbox for the group buttons to display.

Show me.

navigation pane dialog (animated gif)

You can use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the order in which the buttons are displayed in the Reports list.

Customizing the Reports list in the Report Designer

The Reports list in the Report Designer includes group buttons for all reports, financial statements, and letters. You can rearrange the icons as needed by clicking and dragging the icons to the desired location.

Selecting group buttons

Choose either of the following methods to show or hide the group buttons and associated reports in the Reports list.

Click the arrow Navigation pane arrow at the bottom-right corner of the Reports list (or right-click any of the group buttons) and choose Navigation Pane Options. In the Navigation Pane Options dialog, mark the checkbox for the group buttons to display.

You can use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the order in which the buttons are displayed in the Reports list.

Click the arrow Navigation pane arrow, choose Add or Remove Buttons, and choose the applicable group buttons to toggle them.

Displaying full group buttons

By default, Accounting CS displays the full button with a label for each group. To save space, you can display the icon without the label.

Click the arrow at the bottom-right corner of the Navigation pane and choose Show fewer buttons for each button you want to hide.

To restore the full buttons, click the arrow and choose Show more buttons.

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