International ACH File - File control record

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The final record in an ACH file is a File Control Record that includes the following information (position numbers are listed in parentheses).

Field Name Contents (and position numbers)
Record Type Code

The numeral 9.
(01-01) 1 numeric.

Batch Count

The total number of Company / Batch Header Records in the ACH file.
(02-07) 6 numeric

Block Count

The total number of records included in the ACH file, rounded up to the nearest 10, then divided by 10.
(08-13) 6 numeric.

Entry / Addenda Count

The total number of entry detail and tax addenda records in the ACH file.
(14-21) 8 numeric.

Entry Hash

The sum of all Entry Hash fields in the ACH file. If the total contains more digits than the field size allows, the number is automatically truncated.
(22-31) 10 numeric.

Total Debit Entry Dollar Amount in File

The sum of all Total Debit Entry Dollar Amount fields in the ACH file. This will be zero if the Balanced file checkboxes in the Direct Deposit tab (or the Client Direct Deposit tab, if applicable) of the Setup > Bank Accounts screen are unmarked.
(32-43) 12 numeric.

Total Credit Entry Dollar Amount in File

The sum of all Total Credit Entry Dollar Amount fields in the ACH file.
(44-55) 12 numeric.


This field is always left blank.
(56-94) 39 numeric.

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