Analyze Client Activity - Payroll Tax Form

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Use this view to quickly verify the amounts on federal Form 941. You can drill down within this view to see detailed information about each payroll tax, each employee amount, and each payroll check.

From the Actions > Edit Payroll Tax Forms screen (with the Form 941 selected), click the Analyze Client Activity analyze account activity button button in the toolbar or choose Actions > Analyze Client Activity > Payroll Tax Form.

Employee earnings information

For employee earnings information to be available in the view, the employee must have earnings recorded in Accounting CS via a handwritten or printed payroll check.  Select the employee from the drop-down list and choose to view current or prior year information. For each quarter, the employee's payroll checks are listed under the month in which they were entered.

Tax information included

The view contains information about the taxes that are included in the selected client's Form 941 (FICA-SS Employee and Employer, FICA-Med Employee and Employer, FICA-Med2, and FIT). For each of the taxes, the view includes the following information.

  • Tax - Description
  • Wage Limit - If Applicable
  • Rate - If Applicable
  • QTD Gross Taxable Wages - The accumulated quarterly gross taxable wages
  • QTD Taxable Wages (Check) - The taxable wages that are held on the check record
  • QTD Taxable Wages (Calculated) - The taxable wages that are calculated on the return
  • QTD Taxable Wages Difference - The difference between the calculated and check taxable wages
  • Tax Withheld (Check) - The amount of tax that was withheld on the check records
  • Tax Withheld (Calculated) - The amount of tax that calculated on the return
  • Tax Withheld Difference - The difference between the tax withheld on the check records and the amount calculated on the return

Drill-down feature

Click any of the tax links (which display in blue text) to drill down and view the names of the employees for whom those taxes apply. Click each employee name link (in blue text) to view the list of both the handwritten and printed checks with tax amounts that are included in the form totals. You can then click on individual checks and other transactions to view the details within the Actions > Enter Transactions screen.

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