Using the Accounting CS Library to import reports, financial statements, and letters

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The Accounting CS Library includes a number of custom reports, financial statements, and letters that you can import directly into the Report Designer. Accounting CS offers two methods for importing these files.

Importing via the Accounting CS Library portlet

You can add the Accounting CS Library portlet to the Home, Firm, Staff, and Client dashboards to give you quick access to the custom reports, financial statements, and letters that are part of the library. Through this portlet, you can also sign up to receive updates any time a new item is added to the library, and you can submit a request to have custom report, financial statement, or letter created for you.

When you import an item via the Accounting CS Library portlet, the application imports the file directly into Accounting CS, in a format that is ready to be used immediately in the application.

Follow these steps to import a report, financial statement, or letter via the portlet.

  1. If you haven't already done so, add the Accounting CS Library portlet to one or more of your dashboards.
    1. In the applicable dashboard, add a new view or click an existing view to add the portlet to that view.
    2. Click the Select Portlets link in the top-right corner of the dashboard, or right-click and choose Select Portlets.
    3. In the Select Portlets dialog, mark the Accounting CS Library checkbox and click OK.
    4. If necessary, you can resize and move the portlet to the appropriate size and location in the view, as described in the Working with portlets topic.
  2. In the Accounting CS Library portlet, locate the item to import. You can scroll through the list or enter a search term to find related items.
  3. You can view a sample of any of the items by clicking the Preview ACS Library preview icon icon in the Preview column.
  4. To import a particular report, financial statement, or letter, click the Import ACS Library import icon icon in the Import column.
  5. Click OK at the prompt, and the imported file is ready to use.

Importing via a web browser

If you prefer not to import files directly into Accounting CS via the Accounting CS Library portlet, you can download a ZIP file containing the item to your local computer, and then manually import the item into the Report Designer.

  1. Access the Accounting CS Library by pointing your web browser to
  2. In the Accounting CS Library, locate the item to import. You can scroll through the list or enter a search term to find related items.
  3. You can view a sample of any of the items by clicking the Preview ACS Library preview icon icon in the Preview column.
  4. To download a particular report, financial statement, or letter, click the Import ACS Library import icon icon in the Import column.
  5. In the Save As dialog, browse to the appropriate location to save the ZIP file, and then click the Save button.
  6. When the download is complete, open the ZIP file and extract the contents to the appropriate folder.

    Note: The ZIP file contains two files — the Report Designer file and a PDF sample of the report. You do not need to extract the PDF, but you do need to extract the Report Designer file.

  7. Open the Report Designer in Accounting CS.
  8. Choose File > Import.
  9. In the Import dialog, browse to the location where you extracted the contents of the ZIP file, select the Report Designer file, and click the Open button.

    Note: The Report Designer uses the following filename extensions for the various file types.

    • Reports: .REP
    • Financial statements: .FIN
    • Letters: .LET
  10. As soon as the import is complete, the file is ready to use.

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