2019 (or prior) Form W-4 dialog

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Use the 2019 (or Prior) W-4 dialog to view or modify W-4 information for employees hired prior to January 1, 2020.

Choose Setup > Employees and click the Payroll Taxes tab. In the Federal Withholding section, click the 2019 (or Prior) W-4 button. (The Use 2020 (or newer) W-4 checkbox must be unmarked for the button to be available.)

After January 1, 2020, employees who need to update their W-4 information must fill out the new version of the W-4. You will enter that information in the Payroll Taxes tab of the Setup > Employees screen.

Prior to 2020, you can enter employee federal withholding information into the following fields.

  • Filing status. Select the employee's filing status from the drop-down list.
  • Total allowances. Enter the number of federal allowances the employee is claiming.
  • Additional amount. If the employee wants to withhold an additional amount, specify whether to withhold an additional amount, additional percentage, fixed amount, or fixed percentage, and then enter the amount or percentage.
  • Nonresident alien. If the employee is a nonresident alien, mark this checkbox. For more information about the nonresident alien tax, see IRS Publication 519.
  • Federal tax exempt. If the employee is exempt from federal payroll taxes, mark this checkbox. This will not exclude the employee's wages from the taxable wage amounts included on payroll tax forms.

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