Enter Invoices Options dialog

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Use the Enter Invoices Options dialog to customize the data-entry settings for the Enter Invoices screen.

Choose Actions > Enter Invoices. In the Enter Invoices screen, choose Edit > Options.

Fields & buttons

  • Data entry method. Select the tab (Rapid or Detail) to display on top when the Enter Invoices screen is opened.
  • List view. Select the transactions to display in the Rapid tab of the Enter Invoices screen.
    • Current period and open balance transactions. Displays all transactions that are in the current posting period and all open balances (regardless of posting period).
    • Current period transactions. Displays all transactions that are in the current posting period only.
    • Open balance transactions. Displays all transactions with an open balance.
  • Always create transactions as printed. Mark this checkbox to have Accounting CS create the invoice with a "printed" status. The application does not display printed invoices in the Invoices tab of the File > Print Accounts Receivable Forms screen.
  • Data-entry grid
    • Default. You can select the default value for the application to enter in the AR account, Type, Journal, Payment terms, and Message fields.
    • Hide Column. To hide a column in the Rapid tab of the Enter Invoices screen, mark the Hide Column checkbox for that item. Note that you cannot hide any column with an asterisk (*) next to the name.
    • Skip-Rapid / Skip-Detail. To skip a field when tabbing through the fields in the Rapid tab during data entry, mark the checkbox in the Skip-Rapid column for that field. To skip a field when tabbing through the fields in the Detail tab, mark the checkbox in the Skip-Detail column for that field.
  • Move up button Move down button buttons. Use the arrow buttons to change the order of the columns in the Rapid tab.
  • Reset button. Click the Reset button to restore all of the settings in this dialog.

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