Adjust Taxable Wages dialog

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The Adjust Taxable Wages dialog enables you to create adjustments to taxable wage amounts and gross taxable wage amounts for employees. This might be necessary to make corrections to the taxable wage information on payroll checks due to an error in tax treatment or to reduce taxable wage amounts if retirement plan contributions for an employee are paid outside of the payroll process.

Choose Setup > Employees, click the Payroll Taxes tab, and then click the Adjust taxable wages hyperlink.


  • "Taxable wage amount" refers to the employee's gross wages minus any pre-tax deductions with the taxable wage limit applied. "Gross taxable wage amount" refers to the employee's gross wages minus any pre-tax deductions with the taxable wage limit not applied.
  • You can adjust wages only for printed payroll checks or for handwritten checks that have liabilities generated for them. Information in the Adjust Taxable Wages dialog cannot be modified for any other types of payroll checks.

Fields & buttons

You can choose to display transactions and information for the current year or prior year in the Taxable Wage Adjustments grid and the Tax Balances grid.

The grid contains the following columns and buttons.

  • Date. This field contains the last day of the current or prior year (12/31/xx depending on what you selected for the date range).
  • Taxes. These fields provides a read-only view of the tax descriptions for the selected taxes. Click the Ellipsis button in this column to open the Tax Selection dialog to specify which taxes are to be adjusted. The taxes that you select here will display in the Tax Balances grid.
  • Gross Taxable. Enter the adjustment amount to be made for gross taxable wages, if applicable. This amount can be positive or negative.
  • Taxable Wage. Enter the adjustment amount to be made for taxable wages, if applicable. This amount can be positive or negative.
  • Notes. Use this field to enter any notes regarding the adjustments.
  • Delete Delete button button. Use this button to delete a selected adjustment. Highlight the row and click the Delete button.

This read-only grid displays the information necessary for you to make the correct taxable wage adjustments for each applicable tax type. The tax types that display in the grid are those selected for adjustment in the Tax Selection dialog.

The grid includes amounts from all the employee's printed and handwritten payroll check transactions that do not have a deleted or voided status. These amounts include:

  • gross taxable and taxable wages
  • gross taxable and taxable adjustment amounts
  • adjusted gross taxable and adjusted taxable wage amounts
  • tax amounts for all taxes applicable for the employee

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