Merging multiple accounts

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Accounting CS enables you to merge multiple accounts at the same time in the Setup > Chart of Accounts screen .


  • You cannot merge GL accounts that are associated with a bank account; therefore, the grid does not include any accounts that are associated with a bank account.
  • The application updates only those accounts for which an account is selected in the Merge Into column. If you have applied a filter, the grid may not display all available accounts.
  • You can use the Search and Filter fields at the top of the dialog to find specific accounts and to narrow the list of accounts displayed in the grid. For more information, see Searching and filtering data.
  • When you merge accounts, all balances for all periods are merged, not just the balances for the current period.
  • To delete a core account, you must also delete its associated segmented accounts.

Follow these steps to merge one or more accounts.

  1. Choose Setup > Chart of Accounts .
  2. Choose Edit > Edit Multiple Accounts.
  3. In the Edit Multiple Accounts dialog, select Merge Accounts from the Information to edit field, and then click Enter.
  4. In the Identification section of the Merge Account Numbers dialog, choose the method to use for merging accounts.

    Merge selected accounts into existing accounts. Choose this option to merge data from accounts in the grid into other existing accounts. Show me.

    1. In the Account to Merge grid, locate the accounts that you want to merge into another account.
    2. In the Merge Into column for each of those accounts, select the account into which you want to merge the data from the account in the selected row.
    3. To delete the original account (from which the data was merged) after the accounts are merged, mark the checkbox in the Delete column. The application will delete the account after it has merged the data.

    Merge all accounts associated with a segment code into another segment code. Choose this option to merge data from accounts that use a specific segment code into accounts that use a different segment code. Show me.

    1. In the Segment field, select the segment that includes the code for which you want to merge accounts.
    2. In the Merge Code field, select the segment code for the accounts from which you want to merge data.
    3. In the Into Code field, select the segment code that you want to use for the merged accounts.
    4. Click the Apply button. The application displays the new account number in the Merge Into column for all accounts that use the segment and code selected in the Merge Code field.
    5. Locate the affected accounts in the grid and verify the account information in the Merge Into column. You can use the account as is, select a different account, or delete the entry.
    6. To delete the original account (from which the data was merged) after the accounts are merged, mark the checkbox in the Delete column. The application will delete the account after it has merged the data.
  5. Click Enter to have the application merge the accounts.
  6. Click Done to close the Merge Account Numbers dialog.
  7. Close the Edit Multiple Accounts dialog.

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