Setting up an accounts receivable customer

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In Accounting CS, customers are the people and companies who purchase goods and/or services from your company. If the Accounts Receivable service is enabled, you can set up customer records and invoice items, and then create invoices for those customers.

  1. Choose Setup > Customers.
  2. Click the Add button to open a new customer record.
  3. In the Main tab, enter a unique ID for this customer, and then enter information in the other fields in the Identification section.
  4. Enter the address, phone, email, and additional contact information, as needed.
  5. Click the Accounts Receivable tab.
  6. To specify a beginning balance for the customer, click the Ellipsis button button next to the Amount field in the Beginning Balance section. In the Beginning Balance dialog, enter the outstanding transactions and amounts that comprise the customer's beginning balance, and then click OK.

    Note: The application does not post historical (beginning balance) items to the general ledger. However, these items are available for AR reports.

  7. In the Invoice Information section, select the applicable default information for the customer. When you select this customer for any customer invoices, customer deposits, or customer payments, the application will automatically enter this information for you. But you can override any of that default information.
  8. Use the fields in the Account Status section to specify a credit for the customer or to put the customer's account on hold.
  9. For an existing customer, you can click the Register tab to view the transactions that have been entered for this customer.
  10. To enter any notes about this customer, click the Notes tab and enter the information.
  11. If your accountant set up any custom fields for the customer, click the Custom Fields tab to enter that information.
  12. Click Enter to save the customer record.

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