Reconcile Bank Accounts > Account Summary tab

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The Account Summary tab provides an overview of the balances based on the transactions on the bank statement compared to the balances based on the transactions entered or imported for the bank account, displaying any unreconciled amount.

Choose Actions > Reconcile Bank Accounts and then click the Account Summary tab.

Fields & buttons

Displays the statement beginning and ending dates from the General Information tab.

Displays the ending statement balance in the General Information page from the Statement Information section, adds any open deposits and additions in the reconciliation, subtracts any open check and payments in the reconciliation, and adds or subtracts any bank errors recorded during the reconciliation.

Displays the ending balance in the application for the bank account being reconciled, plus or minus any adjustments that have been entered during the reconciliation to end with an Adjusted period balance.

Displays the difference between the bank account reconciled amount and the adjusted period balance - this is the unreconciled amount.

Click the Adjustment button to make an adjustment to the general ledger for the Unreconciled amount.

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