Adding and removing logo and signature images

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Adding image files

The application enables you to add image files for one logo and up to two signatures to each bank account record. Your accountant can then insert these images on check layouts. Valid image formats are BMP, PNG, or JPG files.

  1. Choose Setup > Bank Accounts.
  2. Select the desired client from the client selection field.
  3. Select the bank account for which you want to add image files, and then click the Edit button.
  4. Click the Check Layout tab.
  5. In the Images section, click the Ellipsis button button next to the field for which you want to add the image file.
  6. In the Insert Image dialog, click the Insert button.
  7. In the Open dialog, browse to the desired image file, and then click the Open button.
  8. The application displays the image in the Insert Image dialog. If the image is acceptable, click the Done button. To add a different image, click the Insert button and browse to the desired image.
  9. Click Enter to save the bank account record.

Removing image files

  1. Choose Setup > Bank Accounts.
  2. Select the desired client from the client selection field.
  3. Select the bank account for which you want to remove the image file, and then click the Edit button.
  4. Click the Check Layout tab.
  5. In the Images section, click the Ellipsis button button next to the field for which you want to remove the image file.
  6. In the Insert Image dialog, click the Remove button. The application clears the image from this dialog.
  7. Click the Done button.
  8. Click Enter to save the bank account record.

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