Employees > Payroll Items tab

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Once you have set up payroll items for a client in the Setup > Payroll Items screen, they are available to be added to the client's employees in the Payroll Items tab of the Employees screen. In this screen, you can mark the Active checkbox for all payroll items that are relevant to the selected employee.

Commonly modified information such as the GL expense account, calculation type, and rate are easily modified here for the selected employee. Other information, such as the payroll item description, can only be modified at the client level (via the Setup > Payroll Items screen) and affect all employees using that payroll item.

Choose Setup > Employees and then click the Payroll Items tab.

See also: Adding payroll items to an employee record

Fields & buttons

For live payroll processing only.

This link opens the Edit Shortfall Balances dialog, where you can modify shortfall amounts for payroll items and payroll taxes for the selected client's employees, if necessary.

The Pay grid (or Nonemployee Compensation grid, if the employee is an independent contractor) contains all Pay type payroll items that were set up for this client in the Setup > Payroll Items screen. In Edit mode, you can modify the calculation type and rate for the pay item, tailoring it to the employee's needs. You can click the Ellipsis button to open the Employee Payroll Item Settings dialog, where you can make more changes to each pay item for this employee. The fields and tabs in this dialog are the same as those on the Setup > Payroll Items screen.

Note: When the employee type is set to Independent Contractor in the Main tab, the only pay items available in this grid are ones specified as special type Nonemployee compensation or Nonemployee reimbursement in the Main tab of the Payroll Items screen.

The Deductions grid contains all deduction type payroll items that were set up for this client in the Setup > Payroll Items screen. In Edit mode, you can modify the calculation type and rate for the pay item, tailoring it to the employee's needs. You can click the Ellipsis button to open the Employee Payroll Item Settings dialog, where you can make more changes to each deduction item for this employee. The fields and tabs in this dialog are very similar to those on the Setup > Payroll Items screen, although not all settings can be modified here at the employee level.

The Employer contributions grid contains all employer contribution items that were set up for this client in the Setup > Payroll Items screen. In Edit mode, you can modify the calculation type and rate for the item, tailoring it to the employee's needs. You can click the Ellipsis button to open the Employee Payroll Item Settings dialog, where you can make more changes to each item for this employee. The fields and tabs in this dialog are very similar to those on the Setup > Payroll Items screen, although not all settings can be modified here at the employee level.

This link opens the Edit Multiple Employees wizard, which enables you to edit specific fields for multiple employees (within a single client record) simultaneously. This can be used to correct errors in the initial setup of employee records, to update records due to policy changes, or to make changes to rates or amounts across employee records.

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