Manage Payroll Liabilities screen

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Use the Manage Payroll Liabilities screen to create a payroll agent or tax agent liability that is not created during routine payroll processing or to delete liabilities created in error.

Choose Actions > Manage Payroll Liabilities.

Fields & buttons

The grid contains all unpaid payroll agent or tax agent liabilities for the currently selected client. The liabilities are sorted by vendor, and you can expand or collapse the list of liabilities by clicking the plus and minus signs next to each row.

All checkboxes in the grid are unmarked by default. Mark the checkbox next to a vendor to select all unpaid liabilities for that vendor, or mark the checkbox next to a liability to select that individual liability.

Liabilities deferred due to COVID-19 legislation. Liabilities that have been deferred as part of the CARES Act and/or the August 8, 2020 Presidential Memorandum are labeled in the following ways.

  • "Deferred per CARES Act" or "Deferred per Memorandum" is displayed in the Notes field.
  • The Deferred checkbox is marked.

Click this button to open the Add Liability dialog, where you can add unpaid liabilities on-the-fly.

Click this button to delete all selected liabilities in the grid.

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