Workers' Compensation Codes screen

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The Workers' Compensation Codes screen contains all Workers' Compensation codes and descriptions that can be used by the firm's clients. You can use this screen to add codes, if necessary. You can also delete codes that have been added here, if they are not in use on any client records.

Choose Setup > Firm Information > Workers' Compensation Codes.

Because of the large number of Workers' Compensation codes, you will need to use the filter fields to select a state and display a filtered list of codes. For more information about using filtering fields in the application, see Searching and filtering data.

You can enter a Workers' Compensation code on the fly in the Workers' Compensation tab of the Setup > Clients screen. Enter a code that hasn't yet been added to the application to open a dialog version of the Workers' Compensation Codes screen.

Fields & buttons

  • State. Select the state to which you want to add the Workers' Compensation code. If a code is to be used with multiple states, you will need to add the code to each state individually.
  • Code. Enter the Workers' Compensation code that you want to add.
  • Description. Enter or modify the Workers' Compensation code description.
  • Inactive. To specify that a code is inactive, mark the checkbox. The code will remain active on client records to which it is assigned, but will not be available for selection for new client records.

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