Conversion of existing CBS clients from WS2 to CSA

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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The General Ledger module within Write-Up CS includes a utility for converting existing client data to CSA from The Write-Up Solution II (WS2), which is a DOS-based application. However, special additional steps are required during the conversion process when the WS2 client that you're converting is also a Checkbook Solution (CBS DOS) or a Client Bookkeeping Solution (CBS) client.

Converting a Client Bookkeeping Solution client from WS2 to CSA

Converting a CBS (DOS) client to Client Bookkeeping Solution

Note: For clients currently using The Checkbook Solution (DOS) application, their client modules must be version 3.4.0 or higher in order to import data to the Client Bookkeeping Solution (CBS). Clients using earlier versions of CBS (DOS) will need to update their application to version 3.4.0 or higher before attempting to import their CBS (DOS) data into CBS.

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