Chart of Accounts mask

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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Specify the account mask to define the account structure for this client's Chart of Accounts. The mask may include up to 60 alphanumeric characters (including an optional decimal and any optional separators).

For a Write-Up CS or Trial Balance CS client: The mask defined in the File > Client Properties dialog is also displayed for reference in the Setup > Chart of Accounts window and in the Chart of Accounts Add-on-the-Fly dialog.

For a payroll-only client: The mask can be defined by choosing the command Change Chart of Accounts Mask F3 command from the Setup > Chart of Accounts dialog.

Note that only certain characters may be used in the mask definition, and special rules apply. There are also specific exceptions if setting up a CBS client or if you will be exporting client data to GoSystem Tax RS.

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