Creating mailing labels

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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You may print mailing labels for one or more clients at any time, regardless of which client is currently open.

  1. Choose Utilities > Mailing Labels.
  2. In the left pane of the Select Clients for Mailing Labels dialog, double-click each client for which you want to print labels. This moves the client(s) to the right pane.

    Tip: To limit the clients that will appear in the Clients available pane, use the options in the Focus client listing box.

  3. In the Which labels box, choose the following:
    • Client labels, Employee labels, or both
    • Type of separator to use between clients (none, page break, or blank label)
    • Print ID on label (mark the checkbox to print the client ID or employee ID on each label)
  4. Click the Continue button to open the Print dialog.
  5. In the Print dialog, choose the printer, the label size, and the number of copies (or number of pages) to print for each label. You may also choose to print bar codes on each label and to print the labels using all capital letters.

    Tip: Click the Define label size button to add or edit label formats.

    If you change the number of labels you want to appear across or down the page, you must also modify the selection's vertical and horizontal pitch.

  6. Click the Preview button to view, or click the Print button.

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