Viewing or printing the Client Listing

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

Help & How-To Center content for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform may be outdated and is used at your own risk.

The Client Listing includes the client ID, name, EIN, telephone number, and latest archive date (if any) for all or selected clients.

  1. Choose Utilities > Client Listing.
  2. In the Clients available pane of the Client Listing dialog, double-click each client that you want to include in the listing. The selected client moves to the Clients to print pane.

    Tip: To limit the clients that appear in the Clients available pane, use the options in the Focus client listing box.

  3. In the Sort field, choose either Client ID or Client Name as the sort option.
  4. Click the Preview button to view the information on your screen, or click the Print button to print it on your default printer.

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