Trial Balance CS sample clients

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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If you are licensed for Trial Balance CS and choose the option to install the sample clients, you can use the sample clients listed in the table below.

Note: Some of the sample clients contain the default global financial statements and charts, while others contain specialized statements for different entity types or different presentation possibilities. To view these financial statements and charts, please refer to the Sample Statements and Charts PDF.

Trial Balance CS sample clients and descriptions

CSLOC01, Sample Location and Department Client
This client can be used as a reference for setting up a client that will be using up to 99 locations and 99 departments.

CSNON01, Nonprofit Sample Client
This client can be used as a reference for setting up a nonprofit client. It includes the financial statements unique to a nonprofit entity and accounts for Grants Receivable- Unrestricted (120), Grants Receivable- Temporary (121), and Grants Receivable- Unrestricted (122).

CSTBS01, Trial Balance Sample Client
This client is used as the sample client in the walkthrough section of the Trial Balance CS Getting Started (PDF) and other training materials.

CSTBS02, Trial Balance Sample Client #2
This client is similar to CSTBS01 except that the fixed asset, liability, and equity accounts utilize sub-accounts to record and segregate activity in the accounts. The financial statements are formatted uniquely to accommodate this.

CSWRI04, Write-Up Sample Client #4
This client is similar to CSWRI01 but also includes Trial Balance CS plus following additional features: Account group assignments and the balance sheet statements are set up to illustrate the use of one or more account groups (as well as individual accounts and/or ranges of accounts) within another account group.

Engagement CS sample clients and descriptions

If you are also licensed for Engagement CS, the following engagement sample clients are also available:

CSENG01, Engagement CS Sample Client
This client is used as a sample client for the Engagement CS Tutorial (PDF).

CSENG02, Engagement CS Sample Client #2
This client can be used as a reference for setting up a tax engagement client. It includes a sample tax engagement and examples of tax workpapers.

CSGOV1, Governmental Sample Client
This client can be used as a reference for setting up a governmental client. The Chart of Accounts is set up using locations and departments to illustrate accounting for different government funds. It includes sample financial statements compliant with GASB 34.

CSNON02, Nonprofit Sample Client #2
This client can be used as a reference for setting up a nonprofit client. The Chart of Accounts is set up using locations and departments to illustrate accounting for different government funds. It includes sample financial statements compliant with GASB 34.

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Sample clients overview

Write-Up CS sample clients

Payroll CS sample clients

Engagement CS sample clients

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