Frequently asked questions (Bank Reconciliation)

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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The following FAQs for Bank Reconciliation in Write-Up CS are divided into categories. Click the appropriate topic below to view the questions and answers for that area of interest, or scroll through the FAQs one at a time.

Converting from another write-up package

Converted transactions are automatically marked as cleared. You should enter any outstanding items as initial open items. From the Tasks > Bank Reconciliation window, choose Edit > Initial Open Items.

Troubleshooting tips

You need to set up your checkbook before entering any transactions. However, if you have already entered transactions, do the following:

In the Tasks > Bank Reconciliation window, choose Rebuild Uncleared Transactions from the Edit menu or from the F3 or right-click context menu.

If your checks or deposits are not available in the Tasks > Bank Reconciliation window, do the following:

  1. Verify that the transaction is assigned to the correct GL account number (Cash Account).
  2. Verify that your checkbook has the correct GL account number (in the G/L Account # field on the General tab of the Setup > Checkbook dialog).
  3. Post Transactions by pressing F5 from the Tasks > Transaction Entry window.
  4. From the Bank Reconciliation window, choose Assign Orphan Checks from the Edit menu or from the F3 or right-click context menu and see if the checks are displayed. If so, apply them to the correct checkbook.
  5. If the transactions are still missing from the Tasks > Bank Reconciliation window, choose Rebuild Uncleared Transactions from the Edit menu or from the F3 or right-click context menu.

Note: When recording a check in the Transactions window, do not enter a balancing entry within Additional Distributions grid for that same transaction record. Instead, you should create a separate balancing entry transaction for that check (or for a group of checks) by pressing ALT+B on your keyboard. If you were to balance a check within itself using the Additional Distributions grid on that same transaction record, the net effect of the check would be zero - and the bank reconciliation does not pull in any zero-dollar checks.

From the Bank Reconciliation window, press F3 and choose Options from the context menu. In the Options dialog, mark the Use check number as the transaction reference for adjustments to checks.

Splitting a deposit for bank reconciliation purposes

The split deposit option cannot be accessed for a deposit originally recorded while the option Display multiple distributions to the checkbook GL account in a single transaction separately was marked on the Bank Reconciliation Options dialog.

Entering quarterly bank reconciliations for a client

Yes. You can choose to enter monthly totals for a quarterly bank reconciliation directly in the Quarterly Statement Summary dialog, and that information automatically transfers to the Summary tab of the Bank Reconciliation window.

From the Bank Reconciliation window, press F3 and choose Quarterly Statement Summary from the context menu.

Advancing the bank reconciliation to the next statement

You should advance after your current bank reconciliation is complete and you have printed all the necessary reports and before you advance the GL date to the next period.

  1. From the CSA main window, choose File > Select Period to Process and set your GL period back to the prior reconciled period.
  2. Post the transactions.
  3. Choose Tasks > Bank Reconciliation and then click the Advance to Next Statement button.
  4. From the CSA main window, choose File > Select Period to Process and advance the GL period to the current period.

Related topics

Troubleshooting during bank reconciliation

Bank reconciliation overview

Bank Reconciliation Troubleshooter

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