Creating a rolling financial statement using period indicators

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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You can add together period indicators to total individual periods within the current and prior years.

To create a rolling financial statement or a statement presenting account information that is based on individual periods and that is updated as you move to each period, use the period indicator [CP-x] (where x represents the number of periods prior to the current period). Such period indicators can be added together, for example, to create quarterly reports for monthly clients that are accurate as you move to each processing period.

Requesting prior-period totals in a rolling financial statement can only be accomplished by using the [CP-x] period indicator.

Example: For a monthly client in the last period of the current year, you can create a formula within a cell that totals all periods in the previous year

[CP-12] + [CP-13] +… [CP-23]


  • You can insert date variables with the period CC (current cell contents) into your rolling financial statement. These dates will be updated automatically as your Statement Date changes.
  • The Financial Reporter module offers an example of a rolling financial statement, which is available for you to customize for your own needs within the Financial Statement Editor. In the Financial Statement Editor, choose File > Open > Global Statement to open the global statements in the statements folder on your system, and then select the rolling financial statement example called INCOMESTATEMENT-12MONTHROLLING.FSR.

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