BASS Payroll conversion issues

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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Data item

Conversion result

Accruable benefits Accruable benefits convert along with their associated pay items.
Arbitrary No.

Only two Arbitrary numbers are converted:

  • Units (Weeks Worked)
  • Sales
Bank name

Bank names are truncated to 30 characters.

BASS password The BASS password truncates to 8 characters, and any trailing spaces are removed.
Calculation profiles There is no calculation profile information in BASS Payroll to convert.
Deduction items Payroll CS does not support calculation types f or g because it does not define net wages.

The Race field in the Payroll CS employee record will be blank for all converted employee records.

Disabled ACH accounts do not convert or transfer to Payroll CS.

All employees will convert with a federal withholding and a state withholding (even if no state withholding would in fact apply).

General The client will be closed at the end of the conversion process.
Localities Following the conversion, you will need to record setup information for all municipalities, counties, and miscellaneous taxes that are required for the converted employee(s).
Negative check carryforward

The Automatically adjust withholdings checkbox in the Payroll tab of the Client Properties dialog will be unmarked for the converted client. Manually mark this checkbox to have Payroll CS automatically adjust withholdings if you enter an unprinted payroll check with a negative net pay amount.

Creates a global deduction item called Negative Check Carryforward. All employees with a Negative Check Carryforward amount or history receive that deduction item, and the current-month amount of the deduction will equal the negative check carryforward amount from BASS Payroll.

Pay items

Employee-specific pay items convert to global pay items in Payroll CS. You may need to delete duplicate pay items after the conversion.

Accruable benefits convert along with their associated pay items.

Sales/Units Places the Sales/Units value in the employee's home department.
SUI and SDI The local tax code for an employee does not affect how SDI or SUI is calculated in Payroll CS.
Unprinted checks Unprinted checks are not converted. All checks should be printed in BASS Payroll prior to the conversion process.

State tax exclusions (SDI, SUI, SUTA, SWH) convert on an all-states or no-states basis.

All localities are excluded from the conversion if County, Municipal, or Misc is set to Y.


State exemptions and tax credits are also used for Local withholdings.

All exemptions for state and local withholdings are placed in the Personal Allowances field.

All employees will convert with a federal withholding and a state withholding (even if no withholding applies within their own state).

Withholding amounts convert only into the first department.

Note: You can view or print a document called Data Conversion Help Sheet: From BASS Payroll to Payroll CS

If you have difficulty opening the PDF guide, you might need to download and install the latest version of Adobe Reader from the Download page of the Adobe website.

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