Converting client data from a GL package other than WS2 into an existing Payroll CS client

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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Before starting this procedure, be sure to create a backup for both the existing Payroll CS client data and for your CSA global data. (See the Backup [File menu] topic for instructions on backing up client and system data.)

  1. Open and read the applicable PDF conversion guide for the GL package from which you are converting and then create the conversion files.
    Conversion information in CSA
  2. Using Windows Explorer or My Computer, navigate to the location (specified during the conversion process) where the converted data files are stored. Delete the Gclientid.prr file (where clientid represents the ID of the client in the GL application). This file contains the payroll information for the import that (if not deleted) would overwrite your existing Payroll CS payroll information.
  3. If you have already set up vendors in Payroll CS and do not wish to import vendor information, you also need to delete the Gclientid.ven file.
  4. In CSA, open the existing Payroll CS client into which the GL data is to be imported.
  5. Choose File > Client Properties from the CSA main window, and then click the Add/Remove modules button. Mark the General Ledger CS and Financial Reporter checkboxes.
  6. In the General Ledger tab of the Properties dialog, be sure that all fields are completed correctly, including the Current period ending date, Current fiscal year end, and the Chart of Accounts mask fields. Click OK to save the information.
  7. Choose Utilities > Import and specify the location of the files to import. (This is the same location from which you deleted the files during Steps 3 and 4 above.) If you have specified the path correctly, the client ID from the original GL package should appear in the Client to Import field.

    Do not mark the Convert employee earnings checkbox.

  8. Click the Import button. Your Payroll CS client should now have the Chart of Accounts from the original GL client, along with associated GL balances and transactions.
  9. Verify all data to ensure that it imported correctly.

Depending on the General Ledger application from which you converted data, there may be additional considerations. For example, if you have created a Chart of Accounts in Payroll CS that differs from that for the GL client, the existing chart in Payroll CS is overwritten by the import data. You need to review employee records and/or employee templates to verify account information from the GL import.

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