Calculation checkboxes details

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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Mark all of the following checkboxes that apply to the calculation formula for the selected deduction item.

  • CSA direct deposit
    Mark this checkbox if the deduction is for calculating the direct deposit amount for use with the Payroll CS Direct Deposit module. This checkbox is one of the factors that tells the application to create the EPS file (which is the intermediate file from which the ACH files are created). It also initiates some additional error checking to verify that information is valid, and it is relevant to Bank Rec and to reports.
  • Other direct deposit
    Mark this checkbox if the deduction is for calculating the direct deposit amount for use with non-CSA direct deposit application. This checkbox is relevant to Bank Rec and to reports.
  • Federal garnishment
    Mark this checkbox if this deduction represents a federal garnishment.
  • Child support
    Mark this checkbox if this deduction represents a child support deduction.
    • Direct deposit payment
      Mark this checkbox if the child support deduction is being handled through direct deposit. When this checkbox is marked, the CSA and Other direct deposit checkboxes are unavailable.
  • Federal levy
    Mark this checkbox if this deduction represents a federal levy deduction.
  • Exclude from check stub
    Mark this checkbox to prevent the selected deduction item from displaying on payroll check stubs.
  • Don't include in net pay
    The application will automatically exclude from the net pay calculations any deductions that are marked Don't include in net pay. For example, if % of After-Tax Wages was selected from the list, and the Don't include in net pay box displayed a checkmark, the specified percentage of after-tax wages would not be included in the net pay calculation.
  • Don't display during data entry
    The application will calculate the deduction, but not display it during paycheck data entry.
  • Subtract from federal garnishment basis
    The application will subtract the deduction along with taxes when it calculates after-tax (disposable) income for deductions marked as federal garnishment.
  • Subtract from child support basis
    The application will subtract the deduction along with taxes when it calculates after-tax (disposable) income for deductions marked as child support.
  • Subtract from federal levy basis
    The application will subtract the deduction along with taxes when it calculates after-tax (disposable) income for deductions marked as federal levy.
  • Exclude from workers' comp calc
    • XactPAY users: Mark this checkbox to exclude the selected deduction item from wages for XactPAY purposes.
    • Non-users of XactPAY: Mark this checkbox to exclude the deduction from the Workers Compensation Report when the Exclude indicated deductions checkbox is marked in the Options dialog for that report.
  • 401(k) loan payment
    For firms using The Online 401(k) - Mark this checkbox to indicate that a deduction item is a 401(k) loan payment.

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