Exporting payroll-related GL transactions using Advantage Bridge

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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Once employee paychecks have been printed, you can export General Ledger transactions by following these steps:

  1. Choose Utilities > Advantage Bridge.
  2. In the GL Transaction Export dialog, ensure the File name and Location fields contain the correct information. The file name defaults to GBxxxx01.DAT, where xxxx is the client ID.

    Note: If you change the default file name, you can save the new name by marking the Save file name checkbox.

  3. If necessary, click the Change export location button to browse to a new drive or folder.
  4. Select either Detail or Summary. If you select Summary, you need to provide a reference and date for the transactions.

    Note: Choosing Detail will cause the export to include a complete transaction for each check. Choosing Summary will provide a summary transaction for all checks.

  5. Select an account number in the Undistributed G/L account field, or leave it at the default of 999.
  6. Choose an option from the Data range drop-down list. If you choose Selected range, you can filter the ranges further within the Check date, Period end date, and Check number fields.
  7. Click the Preview button to view the export information, or click the Export button to begin the export process.

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