Setting up a Trial Balance CS client for Fund Accounting

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This topic provides guidance on setting up a Trial Balance CS client so that you can produce reports and financial statements for Fund Accounting. If your client requires By Fund reporting, you can use the location/department setup to provide maximum results.

Use this procedure as a setup guideline for a Fund Accounting client so that you can produce the required reports and financial statements.

Note: The sample client CSNON02 (Nonprofit Sample Client #2) has been set up according to the guidelines listed here.

  1. On the Trial Balance tab (or General Ledger tab) of the File > Client Properties dialog, define the Chart of Accounts mask to include Ls (locations) to represent the Fund Group, Ds (departments) to represent the Fund, and Cs (combining account numbers) for the core accounts.
  2. Open the Setup > Chart of Accounts window and complete each of the following setup steps:
    • To set up the core accounts, choose Edit > Enter Combining Accounts.
    • To define the descriptions for the Fund Groups and Funds, choose Edit > Enter Location and Department Descriptions.
    • Enter the budget amounts in either the Tasks > Trial Balance window or the Setup > Chart of Accounts window. Alternatively, you can choose Utilities > Import > Spreadsheet to import your original budget or adjusted budget amounts from an existing spreadsheet.

    If you are setting up a new client, see CSA Guide to Working with Location / Department Clients (PDF)

    If you are modifying the setup for an existing Fund client, see Changing from a non-location / non-department to a location and/or department client.

  3. Open the Tasks > Trial Balance window and choose Edit > View Maintenance to set up customized views for the Trial Balance window. You can customize multiple views to limit the accounts displayed in the Trial Balance grid to specific Fund Groups or Funds. Once you save a customized view, you can select that view when you open the Trial Balance window so that only those Fund Groups of Funds are displayed.
  4. Open the Setup > Account Groups dialog or the Setup > Grouping Schedules dialog to customize either the account groups or the grouping schedules and enable the application to pull your data properly into the financial statements.

Note: You can copy any of the global financial statements supplied with the application or transfer financial statements from one of the sample clients.

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