Bank Reconciliation . . . Assign Orphan Checks

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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If a check is entered and then balanced to an account that does not have a checkbook assigned to it, that check will appear in the Orphan Checks dialog.

  • To assign a check to the current checkbook, mark the checkbox next to the appropriate check number(s), then click the Assign button. Assigned checks will appear on the Checks and Other Debits tab of the Bank Reconciliation. window.
  • To assign a check to a different checkbook, you must close the Bank Reconciliation window and then re-open it, choose the appropriate checkbook, and open the Orphan Checks dialog.

    To open the Orphan Checks dialog, choose Assign Orphan Checks from the Edit menu or from the F3 or right-click context menu when the Bank Reconciliation window is active.

    Note: The name of the current checkbook is displayed at the top of the Assign Orphan Checks dialog.

See also: Bank Reconciliation Overview

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